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RBI Grade B Free Material 2025

Topics Covered: RBI Grade B Free Study Material for Phase 1 & Phase 2, Exam Materials & Notes

Hi friends. Seeing you on this page, I think it is safe to assume that you have your sights fixed on the upcoming RBI Grade B exams.

However, it’s my duty to inform you that cracking the RBI Grade B exam won’t be an easy task.

Aspirants prepare for the exams with all their hearts and minds, and this means you will face tough competition.

The competition that you are so definitely bound to face during the RBI Grade B recruitments makes it one of the most challenging exams in the country today.

Now just for a while let’s divulge and ask ourselves why so many people flock to compete in this exam every year.

Well, it’s because cracking the RBI Grade B exam is what will grant you the opportunity to be an RBI Grade B officer. 

It provides career stability, great compensations, fulfilling work, and the opportunity to maintain & enhance the nation’s banking sector while playing a pivotal role in the country’s economic development.

So, getting back to the topic at hand, to Crack the RBI Grade B exam or any other exam, you would require strategic preparation and a clear mindset. For that matter, I have shared some valuable insights in the next lines, so read carefully.

There are two points that will decide whether someone will make it through in their exams or not.

The first and foremost the willpower and determination of the candidate. This is something that will make you work really hard to prepare for the exam.

The second is the right study material for that particular exam, without which even the hardest and the most motivated can’t make it through to the other side.

Furthermore, the candidate needs to make sure that he carries both of the above points together while preparing for the exam if he wishes to succeed.

Both of the aforementioned points are useless in and of themselves if taken individually.

Therefore I repeat, the candidate needs to carry both of the points together if he wishes to succeed in his exams.

Given that you are prepared to work the absolute daylights off yourselves to crack the upcoming RBI Grade B exam 2025, I have provided a complete study plan of 4 months. You can check the same, RBI Grade B exam preparation here.

So, without any further ado, let’s look at the Free Materials provided below.

Table of Content – RBI Grade B Free Material

RBI Grade B Free Material

Referring to the right resources is extremely essential to preparing well for the RBI Grade B exam. 

Covering the topics by studying through multiple books or sources can be quite time-consuming and would require a lot of efforts.

To help you cover the syllabus efficiently, I have compiled RBI Grade B free study material, which includes videos and notes that you can refer to and which will assist you in enhancing your preparation. 

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Exam Free Videos

In the table below, I have provided free videos for the Phase 1 exam which includes subjects like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English Language and General Awareness as part of RBI Grade B free study material for you to check.

S. No.SubjectsVideos
1.ReasoningWatch Now
2.English LanguageWatch now
3.General AwarenessRead Now
4.Quantitative AptitudeWatch Now

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Exam Free Videos

I have provided RBI Grade B free study material which includes free videos for Phase 2 exam subjects like English descriptive, Economic & Social Issues, Finance and Management which you can refer to from the table given below.  

S. No.SubjectsVideos
1.English DescriptiveWatch Now
2.Economic & Social IssuesWatch Now
3.FinanceWatch Now
4.ManagementWatch Now

This brings us to the end of this extremely comprehensive and detailed list of the RBI Grade B Free Videos. You’ll find below the links to the most frequently asked for free study materials pertaining to the RBI Grade B exam. With that, I bid you farewell and Good luck.

Free RBI Grade B Exam Material and Notes (Downloadable PDFs):

Apart from the videos, the RBI Grade B free study material that I have provided also includes free exam material and study notes which effectively summarize the following topics from the syllabus: 

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About Anuj Jindal


Anuj Jindal, the founder, is an ex-manager from SBI, with an M.Com from Delhi School of Economics. He also has a JRF in Commerce & Management and NET in HRM, along with more than 5 years of experience in the field of Education.

FAQs: RBI Grade B Free Material 2025

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How should I organize my study material for RBI Grade B?

    To crack the RBI Grade B exam, it is important to organize your notes in an efficient manner and which you can do that as follows:

    • Begin your preparation by going through the basic concepts and revise them multiple times.  
    • Then make short notes of concepts, formulas and shortcuts for effective revision 
    • You can also incorporate flowcharts, mind maps and mnemonics while making notes 

    This way, it will become easier to make short, concise notes for quick revision of the syllabus.  

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Which subjects are covered in RBI Grade B Study Material?

    The RBI Grade B free study material that I have provided covers the syllabus for both the phases comprehensively which includes: 

    • Phase I subjects like Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English Language and General Awareness 
    • Phase II subjects such as English descriptive, Economic & Social Issues, Finance and Management 
  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Which material is best for RBI Grade B?

    To refer to and access the best study resources for the RBI Grade B exam, you can go through the comprehensive RBI Grade B study material that I have provided.

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