CAIIB 2024 Complete Information
Topics Covered: CAIIB 2024 Overview, Salary, Notification, Exam Dates, Job Profile, Eligibility Criteria, Exam Pattern, Apply Online, Syllabus, Books, Mock Test, Admit Card, Result & Exam Centre
I know for a fact that many working professionals in their idle time like to indulge in some daydreaming of how would life be like if they get that promotion in their job or the salary increase, they are working hard for.
Not only that, with added responsibilities on their shoulders, some individuals strongly desire to perform better in their respective fields and to also bring some transformation in their working sector.
With this, the initiation of CAIIB exam presents itself as a great prospect for individuals who are ambitious for early growth in their career and promising opportunities that come along with it like salary increments, allowances, higher job profile and so on.
As it is considered a flagship course, it also aims to provide advanced knowledge to the selected candidates about their work field to enhance their confidence and decision–making skills.
While, the CAIIB exam can only be given by the candidates who have cleared the JAIIB examination. Like JAIIB, the exam for CAIIB is conducted twice in a year which is good news for aspiring professionals.
Therefore, in reference to this, I have provided complete information concerning the CAIIB 2024, in which I will be talking about the IIBF CAIIB syllabus, exam pattern, salary, eligibility, booklist, application process, notification, exam dates, mock test, admit card, result and exam centre.
Hence, I advise you to stay with the me till the end of this page as I touch down upon these aspects that will prove to be helpful for your understanding and in preparation for this exam.
So, what are we waiting for? Let’s begin the section!
Table of Content – CAIIB Complete Information
1. CAIIB Full form
2. Exam Overview
3. Job Profile
4. Salary
5. Notification
6. Exam Dates
7. Eligibility Criteria
8. Apply Online
9. Exam Pattern
10. CAIIB Syllabus
11. CAIIB Books
12. Mock Test
13. Admit Card
14. Result
15. Exam Centre
CAIIB Basic Information | |
Exam Name | Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) |
Conducting Body | Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) |
Course Types | Flagship |
Eligibility | Bankers or Members Only |
Mode of Application | Online |
Exam Conducted | Twice in a year |
Job Location | India |
Qualifying Marks | 50 out of 100 marks |
Official Website | |
CAIIB Full form
The full form of CAIIB is Certified Assosciate of Indian Institute of Bankers. Conducted by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF), this examination is held twice in a year. The history of this institute goes back to the year 1928, when it was founded and since then, it looks over to more than 700 banks and financial institutions.
Now, that we know the brief history of CAIIB, I will provide an overview of the CAIIB exam in the next section.
Now, that we have discussed the exam overview, let us proceed to JAIIB job profile.
CAIIB Exam Overview
As mentioned above, the CAIIB exam is held biannually, usually in the month of June and December by the IIBF.
Only the candidates who have qualified the JAIIB examination are eligible to apply for the CAIIB exam.
The exam for CAIIB is highly recognized across the banking sector, as the selected professionals can avail early promotions, increase in salary, allowances and other non – monetary benefits in their career.
With regards to this, the purpose behind conducting this exam is to offer extensive knowledge to the candidates about the banking field which will help them in making better decisions and ensure effectiveness of the banking operations.
CAIIB Job Profile
For selected candidates, the CAIIB provides an opportunity for an upgradation in their Job profile. Depending on the work position of the professional, the roles and responsibilities assigned to the candidates after clearing the exam are different.
For candidates serving on a clerical level
- For an employee working as a bank clerk will perform some of the functions such as verifying the documents submitted by the customers and check the authentication. In addition to this, the clerks would be responsible for looking after important documents such as cash and keys.
For candidates working on Officer’s level
- A professional who serves as probabtionary officers in the bank will be handed over additional work like supervision of the opening and closing of the bank accounts, to check the eligibility for loan applications and maintain a good rapport with the customers.
To understand in detail about IIBF CAIIB Job profile of the selected candidates, you can check the linked page.
Alongside this, after passing the exam, the candidates will receive advanced knowledge about aspects as Risk Management, Treasury Management, Balance sheet Management, International Banking, Credit Management and so on.
I know that you must be curious to know about CAIIB salary, to get an overview of the same, continue reading!
CAIIB Salary
The exam aspirants are usually eager to know about the most significant aspects of the job they are aiming for and that is – the salary. I am sure it would be no different for CAIIB exam as well.
An important feature of the CAIIB exam, is the increase in salary allotted to the candidates which comes in the form of salary increments, allowances, perks and other benefits.
Now, the increment granted to the basic pay of the selected individuals would depend on their existing work profile in the bank.
Bank Clerks
- The candidate working on a clerical level shall become eligible for two increments in his/ her basic pay, which would make the salary of the clerk as follows:
- For example – Rs. 11, 765 + Rs 655 x 3 (Increments) = Rs 13,730 /- (Basic)
Probabtionary Officers (PO)
- Whereas the bank officers shall be entitled to receive one increment in their salary.
In addition to the salary increments, you can also go through the CAIIB allowances and other benefits.
If you interested to know about CAIIB notification, then proceed to the subsequent section.
CAIIB Notification
The IIBF has released the exam schedule regarding the CAIIB exam cycle on its official website. As per the schedule, the exam for CAIIB is to be conducted in the month of June and December.
Talking about CAIIB exam cycle for December 2024, the online application process will begin from 03rd September 2024 and shall end on 29th September 2024
The exam dates for CAIIB December 2024 are scheduled on 24th November, 01st, 08th, 14th, and 15th December 2024.
For CAIIB June 2024 exam cycle, the registration process shall commence on 07th May 2024 and continue till 27th May 2024.
The exams for CAIIB June 2024 will take place on 7th, 13th, 14th, 21st, and 27th July 2024.
The CAIIB notification provides other important details such as exam pattern, syllabus, eligibility and passing criteria apart from the exam dates.
To know about all important dates regarding CAIIB exam, you can give a look at the linked page.
CAIIB Exam Dates 2024
Since the IIBF annual calendar for CAIIB exam 2024 has been released, you can check the exam dates for CAIIB June 2024 in the table I have provided below:
Important events | Dates |
Online Application Window | 03rd – 29th September 2024 |
Admit Card Release | TBA |
Paper I - Advanced Bank Management | 24th November 2024 |
Paper II - Bank Financial Management | 01st December 2024 |
Paper III - Advance Business & Financial Management | 08th December 2024 |
Paper IV - Banking Regulations and Business Laws | 14th December 2024 |
Paper V - Elective Paper | 15th December 2024 |
Declaration of Result | TBA |
Now, that you have gone through the CAIIB exam cycle, you can read further to know about the eligibility criteria for IIBF CAIIB exam.
CAIIB Eligibility Criteria
One of the most significant factors of the application process for any exam is the eligibility criteria. The IIBF has provided few guidelines that candidates must check in order to appear for the examination. Before you apply for the CAIIB exam, you must check whether you meet the following qualifying criteria or not:
- The candidates must have cleared the JAIIB examination.
- The candidate must be a member of the IIBF, i.e., he/she must be an employee of a bank or a financial institution.
Apart from the educational qualifications, the IIBF has also provided the number of attempts and time limit allotted for the candidates to clear the exam.
It’s time to move forward to know the CAIIB application process.
CAIIB Application Process
The details regarding the registration process for CAIIB 2024 exam has been out with the release of the exam schedule.
As the exam for CAIIB is held twice a year by the IIBF, the registration process for the same is also carried out biannually.
The registration process for CAIIB December 2024 exam will start from 3rd September 2024 and end on 29th September 2024.
The application process for CAIIB June 2024 exam shall begin from 7th May 2024 and continue till 27th May 2024.
Now, as the online application process is the initial step towards your exam journey, it’s imperative for the applicants to know the steps to fill the CAIIB registration form online.
Are you interested to know about the pattern for CAIIB exam? Then you can go through the following section.
CAIIB Exam Pattern
For better understanding of the exam structure, it is recommended for the aspirants to go through the exam pattern in a systematic order.
In the case of CAIIB, the nature of the examination is objective type with some numerical based questions asked in the paper.
To begin with, there are four compulsory papers in the CAIIB exam and an elective paper for which the applicants are required to choose any one subject from the given list provided by the IIBF.
To give you a basic explanation of the CAIIB exam pattern, I have mentioned below few important points that you can go through:
- A total of 4 compulsory and 1 elective paper are provided in the syllabus
- There are a total of 100 questions for 100 marks in each paper.
- The time duration of 2 hours is allotted to complete each paper.
- There is no negative marking for attempting any wrong answer.
In order to know understand the exam pattern for CAIIB in detail, you can visit the linked page.
Now, that I have summarized the exam pattern, it’s time to move on to the CAIIB syllabus
CAIIB Syllabus
A thorough knowledge of the syllabus is a key component of an effective preparation plan for CAIIB examination.
Having an in-depth understanding of the syllabus would assist you in familiarizing with the exam structure.
As I have mentioned earlier, the CAIIB comprises of 4 compulsory papers and 1 elective paper regarding which the IIBF has provided of list of subjects for the candidates to choose one.
To gather a simplistic overview of the syllabus, you can check below the information I have provided in brief regarding the same:
- Paper I – Advanced Bank Management
- Module A – Statistics
- Module B – Human Resource Management
- Module C – Credit Management
- Module D – Compliance in Banks & Corporate Governance
- Paper II – Bank Financial Management
- Module A – International Banking
- Module B – Risk Management
- Module C – Treasury Management
- Module D – Balance Sheet Management
- Paper III – Advanced Business and Financial Management
- Module A: The Management Process
- Module B: Advanced concepts of Financial Management
- Module C: Valuations, Mergers and Acquisitions
- Module D: Emerging Business Solutions
- Paper IV – Banking Regulations and Business Laws
- Module A: Regulation and Compliance
- Module B: Important Acts/Laws & Legal Aspects of Banking Operations – Part A
- Module C: Important Acts/Laws & Legal Aspects of Banking Operations – Part B
- Module D: Commercial & Other Laws with reference to Banking Operations
For Elective Paper- V, the following is the list of subjects mentioned by the Institute for which the candidates are required to choose any one:
- Rural Banking
- Human Resource Management
- Information Technology & Digital Banking
- Risk Management
- Central Banking
If you wish to know about the syllabus of these elective subjects in detail, you can check the CAIIB elective papers syllabus
To be enlightened on the books required for IIBF CAIIB exam, you can read further about it in the next section.
CAIIB Booklist
When it comes to exam preparation, I believe half the battle is won if you have a reliable yet a concise booklist and that is precisely the case with the books for CAIIB exam.
The IIBF on its website has provided a list of books which will help candidates to cover the topics from the syllabus and as well as gain conceptual understanding of the subject matter.
I have mentioned below the names of some of the CAIIB books recommended by the Institute, which are as follows:
Compulsory Subjects
Paper I – Advanced Bank Management (ABM)
- Advanced Bank Management 2024 – Macmillan Education
Paper II – Bank Financial Management (BFM)
- Bank Financial Management 2024– Macmillan Education
Paper III -Advanced Business and Financial Management (ABFM)
- Advanced Business and Financial Management 2024 – Macmillan Education
Paper IV – Banking Regulations and Business Laws (BRBL)
- Banking Regulations & Business Laws 2024 – Macmillan Education
You can check the complete CAIIB booklist for elective papers to effectively prepare for the exam.
To know why CAIIB mock tests are considered important, you can go through the following section.
CAIIB Mock Tests
In order to assess the effectiveness regarding your preparation level, practicing mock tests is one of robust methods to do so.
The mock tests for IIBF CAIIB exam are available on the Institute’s website for the candidates to check. Adequately solving mock tests would help the candidates in the assessment of their performance, in addition to identifying their strengths and weaknesses.
There are also other advantages that come along with practicing mock tests which are as follows:
- Familiarize with the nature of exam
- Assessment of difficulty level
- Evaluation of the accuracy and time taken to complete the test
- Simple explanations provided along the answers
- Questions based on the latest exam pattern
To understand every detail regarding the CAIIB mock tests, you can go through the linked blog.
Now, that I have explained the importance of mock test, let’s us move forward to know about admit card for IIBF CAIIB
CAIIB Admit Card
As it is used for the purpose of verification, the admit card is considered as one of the most important documents that the eligible applicants are required to carry on the day of examination.
The exam for CAIIB conducted biannually in month of June and November.
Talking about the CAIIB June 2024 admit card, it is expected to be released 2-3 weeks prior to the exam, which will be held on 7th, 13th, 14th, 21st and 27th July 2024.
It is imperative for the candidates to bring in their admit cards on the exam day, as you will not be permitted to sit for the exam if you fail to carry the required document.
So, therefore you must go through the process to download the CAIIB admit card in a thorough manner.
Now let us proceed to the next section to know about the CAIIB Result.
CAIIB Result
Latest Update: The CAIIB June 2024 exam cycle result has been released on 02nd September 2024. The exam for the same was held from 07th July 2024 to 27th July 2024.
After successful completion of the exam cycle, the result for CAIIB is declared officially by the website of the Insitute. The announcement of the final result is succeeded by the release of the merit list.
The merit list for CAIIB exam contains the name of the candidates who have made it to the final selection. In order to get selected in the final list, the marks scored by the candidates in the papers must meet the cutoff marks required for qualifying the examination.
You can refer to the steps to download the CAIIB result that I have provided for simple understanding of the process.
With the topic of CAIIB result explained, let us check the final section of exam centre for CAIIB.
CAIIB Exam Centre
While applying online for the CAIIB exam, the candidates are given the option to choose their desired center from where he/she wish to sit for the examination.
After submission of the application form, the venue for the exam is affirmed in the admit card which is released 2 – 3 weeks prior to the date of the IIBF CAIIB exam.
As no request to change the exam centre is entertained after the release of the admit card, therefore the candidates must be careful while selecting the exam centre of their choice.
You can check the list of CAIIB exam centres provided as per the official information by the Institute.
With this, we have now come to the end of this lengthy but hopefully an informative section. I have discussed all the aspects related to the CAIIB exam with an intention of providing an overall idea regarding the exam.
I hope the information given above would prove helpful to enhance your knowledge about the exam. Well, the time has come for me to say a goodbye to you and wish you all the best for future!
Best of luck!

About Anuj Jindal
Anuj Jindal, the founder, is an ex-manager from SBI, with an M.Com from Delhi School of Economics. He also has a JRF in Commerce & Management and NET in HRM, along with more than 5 years of experience in the field of Education.
FAQs: CAIIB Complete Information
- What are the four compulsory papers mentioned in the CAIIB Exam?
The syllabus for CAIIB exam comprises of 4 compulsory papers which are as follows:
- Advanced Bank Management
- Bank Financial Management
- Advanced Business & Financial Management
- Banking Regulations and Business Laws
- Who is eligible to apply for CAIIB Exam?
The candidates who have successfully passed the JAIIB exam and are the members of IIBF, i.e., working as an employee in a bank or financial institution are eligible for the CAIIB exam.
- What is meant by the term CAIIB?
The full form for CAIIB stands for Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers.
- What is the duration of the CAIIB examination?
The time duration allotted for each paper of CAIIB exam is of 2 hours.
- What happens after clearing the CAIIB exam?
Upon successful completion of the IIBF CAIIB, the candidates shall receive a certificate for passing the exam in addition to salary increments, allowances, perks and other benefits.
- Is CAIIB considered a degree?
No, the CAIIB is essentially a certificate exam conducted by the IIBF with an advanced qualification offered to the candidates who clear the exam.
- What is the CAIIB examination?
The CAIIB exam which stands for Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers is conducted by the IIBF with a purpose of imparting advanced knowledge to the selected candidates who have cleared JAIIB examination to improve their decision – making abilities.
- What is the duration of the CAIIB exam and is there any negative marking?
The time duration allotted for each paper of CAIIB exam is of 2 hours. No, as per the official information provided on the IIBF website, there is no negative marking for attempting incorrect answers.