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Best Books for UGC NET Paper 1, Commerce & Management

Topics Covered: UGC NET Books 2024, Best Books for 2024 Paper 1 & Paper 2 (Commerce & Management) and Benefits of Our UGC NET Books

As the examination of UGC NET is conducted for recruitment to the post of Assistant Professor or grant Junior Reasearch Fellowship to selected candidates, the syllabus for UGC NET is designed to be vast keeping in mind the competition level for the exam.   

However, the candidates must adopt a smart strategy to not read through all the information but cover the syllabus in a right manner to ace the exam. An effective way to do is to have a reliable list of UGC NET Books.   

Therefore, if you are planning to prepare for UGC NET 2024 examination, then selecting the right books would help you in completing the syllabus and gain an in- depth understanding of the subjects.   

To assist you with that, in this section, I have compiled the list of UGC NET JRF Books 2024 which we will discuss in detail. I have also talked about the best books for UGC NET Paper 1 and Paper 2 subjects of Commerce & Management. 

On that note, let us begin the section!

Table of Content – NTA UGC NET Books 2024

UGC NET Books 2024

While the process of selecting right books for UGC NET 2024 is essential in the preparation of the exam, however, at the same it can also be tiring procedure.   

With the purpose of keeping themselves updated with the latest trends, the candidates often themselves confused in finding the reliable books among the many UGC NET books which are available on the market.   

Therefore, through my experience which also involves acquired double JRF status, I will help you find the excellent UGC NET books for Paper 1 and 2 in the subsequent section.  

You can also check the UGC NET mock tests for thorough preparation.

Best Books for UGC NET 2024 Paper 1

Talking about UGC NET Paper 1, the candidates must choose a concise yet effective booklist that help in covering the syllabus comprehensively.  

Apart from this, books assist in providing greater clarity of the topics given in the syllabus which gives students an edge over others in exam preparation.     

To help you access the right booklist, I have compiled the list of best books for UGC NET Paper 1 2024. 

Before you proceed, you can also check out the UGC NET JRF Paper 1 free study material we have provided. Now, let us look at the booklist provided below in the table: 

TopicsBest book for UGC NET Paper 1Author/Publisher
General Paper 1Trueman’s UGC NET/SET General Paper 1 - 2020 EditionTrueman
Teaching & Research AptitudeUGC NET/JRF/SET General Paper 1 - Teaching & Research AptitudeArihant Experts
NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF Paper 1 - Teaching and Research AptitudeKVS Madaan (Pearson Education)
UGC-NET/JRF/SET - Teaching & Research Aptitude (General Paper 1)Upkar Prakashan
All subjects and Past year papersNTA UGC NET JRF Paper I – All 10 Subject + Indian LogicShubham Singhania & Anuj Jindal
Latest NTA UGC NET Paper 1 – 14 Solved Past Year Papers (7 Papers of 2019, and 5 Papers of 2018 and 2 Papers of 2017) (Link Below)Shubham Singhania & Anuj Jindal
General AwarenessManorama YearbookManorama Group
General AwarenessArihant Publications
Reasoning AbilityA Modern Approach to Verbal and Nonverbal ReasoningS. Chand Publication
B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali: A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and NonverbalArihant Publication
Computer LiteracyMini Goyal and Shweta Rani: Computer AwarenessArihant Publication
Numerical and Arithmetical AbilityQuantitative Aptitude by R.S.AggrawalS.Chand Publication
Quantitative Aptitude by N.K.SinghUpkar Prakashan Publication
Test of Comprehension and English LanguageWren and Martin: High School English Grammar & CompositionS.Chand Publication

The UGC NET Paper 1 books listed above are very comprehensive and cover the topics of UGC NET Paper 1 very efficiently.   

You can also check the latest UGC NET exam pattern to gain an overview of the exam structure.    

Now that we are done with list of the best books for UGC NET paper 1, let us now proceed to same for paper 2.

Best books for UGC NET Commerce

If you are preparing for UGC NET 2024 with Commerce as the subject for paper 2, having a reliable booklist will help you in better understanding of the syllabus. 

To efficiently prepare for the exam, here is the list of recommended UGC NET Commerce books you can refer to:

TopicsBest book for Paper 2 CommerceAuthor/Publisher
Unit 1: Business Environment and International BusinessBusiness EnvironmentC.B. Gupta
International businessC.B. Gupta
Unit 2: Accounting and AuditingFinancial Accounting Class XI – XIIT.S. Grewal
Corporate AccountingJ.R. Monga
Cost & Management AccountingM. N. Arora
Auditing & Corporate GovernanceAruna Jha
Unit 3: Business EconomicsManagerial EconomicsT. R. Jain & Dr. O.P. Khanna
Unit 4: Business FinanceFundamentals of Financial ManagementDr R.P. Rustagi
Financial ManagementM. Y. Khan
International Financial ManagementV. K. Bhalla
Unit 5: Business Statistics and Research MethodsQuantitative Approaches to ManagementRubin and Levin
Business StatisticsND Vohra
Unit 6: Business Management and Human Resource ManagementBusiness Organization & ManagementT. N. Chhabra
Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, and CSRJ. P. Sharma
Corporate GovernanceBob Tricker
Organization Theory and BehaviourT. N. Chhabra & B.P. Singh
Organizational BehaviourRobbins
Human Resource ManagementT.N.Chhabra
Unit 7: Banking and Financial InstitutionsIndian Financial SystemBharati V. Pathak
Unit 8: Marketing ManagementMarketing ManagementV. S. Ramaswamy
Marketing ManagementKotler P.
Consumer BehaviourRamesh Kumar & Wisenblit
Unit 9: Legal Aspects of BusinessBusiness LawM. C. Kucchal
Company LawReena Chadha
Unit 10: Income-tax and Corporate Tax PlanningSystematic Approach to Income TaxDr. Girish Ahuja
Direct Taxes Ready ReckonerDr. V. K Singhania
Commerce & Management Complete TopicsNTA UGC NET JRF Paper 2 – Commerce & Management**Anuj Jindal & Shubham Singhania
Commerce & Management & HRM Past year PapersLatest NTA UGC NET Paper 2 (Commerce, Management & HRM) – 17 Solved Past Year Papers**Anuj Jindal & Shubham Singhania

In case you want to revise the detailed syllabus, follow the underlined text for the quick takeout- UGC NET Syllabus. 

Best books for UGC NET Management 

The syllabus of Paper 2 Management not just includes the static portion but also a good number of case studies and numericals.   

If you are planning to prepare for UGC NET 2024 with Management as the subject for paper 2, then you can check the following list of UGC NET Management books: 

TopicsBest book for Paper 2 ManagementAuthor/Publisher
Business ManagementBusiness Organization & ManagementT. N. Chhabra
Managerial EconomicsManagerial EconomicsT. R. Jain & Dr. O.P. Khanna
Corporate Governance & EthicsCorporate Governance, Business Ethics, and CSRJ. P. Sharma
Corporate GovernanceBob Tricker
Organizational BehaviourOrganization Theory and BehaviourT. N. Chhabra & B.P. Singh
Organizational BehaviourRobbins
Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource ManagementAswathappa
Human Resource ManagementT.N.Chhabra
AccountingFinancial AccountingJ R Monga
Cost & Management AccountingM N Arora
Financial ManagementFundamentals of Financial ManagementDr R.P. Rustagi
Financial ManagementM. Y. Khan
Securities Analysis & Portfolio ManagementInvestment Analysis & Portfolio ManagementR.P. Rustagi
International Financial ManagementInternational Financial ManagementV. K. Bhalla
International Financial ManagementSharan V
Strategic Management & Marketing ManagementStrategic ManagementAdela and Azhar Kazmi
Strategic Management and Business PolicyWheelen & Hunger
Marketing ManagementV. S. Ramaswamy
Marketing ManagementKotler P.
Consumer BehaviourConsumer BehaviourRamesh Kumar & Wisenblit
Statistics & Operational ManagementStatistics for ManagementRubin and Levin
Quantitative Approaches to ManagementRubin and Levin
Business StatisticsND Vohra
Quantitative Techniques in ManagementND Vohra
EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurshipArya Kumar
International BusinessInternational BusinessC.B. Gupta
International ManagementInternational ManagementCharles Hill
Commerce & Management Complete TopicsNTA UGC NET JRF Paper 2 – Commerce & Management**Anuj Jindal & Shubham Singhania
Commerce & Management & HRM Past year PapersLatest NTA UGC NET Paper 2 (Commerce, Management & HRM) – 17 Solved Past Year Papers**Anuj Jindal & Shubham Singhania

Benefits of Preparing from our UGC NET Books

There are many advantages of referring to the recommended list of books for UGC NET 2024 which are mentioned above. Some of the benefits are as follows:

  • Detailed Coverage of syllabus: – Based on the latest UGC NET exam pattern, these books cover the syllabus comprehensively with simple explanations.   
  • Division of questions into levels: These books also provide the categorisation of questions into three sections- Easy, Medium, and Difficult.  
  • Matching the exam’s pattern: The variation in questions provided in books matches the difficulty level of the exam which help candidates in getting exam ready.

To familiarize you with the UGC NET pattern and the questions that are asked in the exam, we have also provided UGC NET Previous year question papers.


I hope the information provided is helpful in your preparation. On the page, I have discussed in detail about UGC NET Books 2024 including the best books for Phase 1 and Phase 2 subjects of Commerce and Management, which help you cover the syllabus comprehensively within less time.

Along with this, I also talked about the benefits of referring to the recommended booklist for UGC NET so that you are aware about the same.  

Stay determined and be curious!! 

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About Anuj Jindal


Anuj Jindal, the founder, is an ex-manager from SBI, with an M.Com from Delhi School of Economics. He also has a JRF in Commerce & Management and NET in HRM, along with more than 5 years of experience in the field of Education.

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