JAIIB Preparation Strategy & Study Plan
The examination for JAIIB was initiated with purpose of imparting the candidates with basic knowledge about banking and financial services. In addition to that, it provides an opportunity for banking professionals to attain growth and promotion early on in their career.
Therefore, clearing this exam is a ray of hope for individuals who strongly desire to progress and achieve professional development within shorter span of time.
However, keeping in mind the vast syllabus and competent nature of the exam, it can pose as a challenge for candidates who aspire to qualify this examination.
Hence, curating an effective preparation strategy is considered a significant aspect and the initial step in the exam preparation for JAIIB.
As devising a comprehensive preparation plan includes a systematic study plan which would help in covering the syllabus efficiently, identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as ensure adequate practice of the type of questions asked in the exam.
In reference to that, I will be discussing in detail the JAIIB preparation strategy and the detailed day-wise study plan which I have provided to help you ace the exam with flying colours!
So, without further duo, let’s get started!
Table of Content – JAIIB Preparation Strategy
JAIIB Preparation Strategy
If you aiming to clear JAIIB 2024 exam, then having a preparation strategy is extremely important. It is crucial for candidates understand its significance as it will help the covering the exam syllabus within a specified time limit.
To begin with, there are 4 papers in the exam pattern for JAIIB consisting of 4 modules each which are as follows:
Paper I: Indian Economy and Indian Financial system
- Module A- Indian Economic Architecture
- Module B – Economic Concepts related to Banking
- Module C – Indian Financial Architecture
- Module D – Financial Products and Services
Paper II: Principles and Practices of Banking
- Module A- General Banking Operations
- Module B – Functions of Banks
- Module C – Banking Technology
- Module D – Ethics in Banks and Financial Institutions
Paper III: Accounting and Financial Management of Banking
- Module A – Accounting Principles and Processes
- Module B – Financial Statements and Core Banking Systems
- Module C – Financial Management
- Module D – Taxation and Fundamentals of Costing
Paper IV: Retail Banking and Wealth Management
- Module A – Retail Banking
- Module B – Retail Products and Recovery
- Module C – Support services – Marketing of Banking Services/Products
- Module D – Wealth Management
Therefore, to help you cover this latest JAIIB exam syllabus , I have mentioned below few important points that the aspirants must keep in mind and include in preparation strategy for the exam:
1. Start with the Basics
Understanding the syllabus and the exam pattern is the first and foremost step for devising JAIIB exam strategy. An extensive knowledge of syllabus and exam structure will help you familiarize with overall framework of the exam and identification of the important topics you need to cover for the subjects.
After thoroughly going through these above-mentioned factors, you can next start practicing the previous year question papers as it will help you comprehend the type of the questions asked.
In case you haven’t gone through the exam pattern yet, you can refer to the detailed JAIIB exam pattern which I have provided.
2. Finding the Right Booklist for JAIIB
Selection of the reliable books is a crucial aspect of the preparation plan for JAIIB exam. Before finding the right books, you must first be thorough with the exam syllabus.
As for choosing a reliable book list, the website of IIBF has published a concise list of JAIIB books for each paper that will help the students in covering the syllabus.
Since these books are provided on the official website of the Institute, the booklist naturally becomes important when it comes to JAIIB exam preparation.
These books will cover the topics mentioned in the syllabus like economic concepts related to banking, functions of banks, accounting principles and processes and retail banking.
You can check the comprehensive JAIIB booklist that I have provided here.
3. Follow a dedicated a Study Timetable
Taking into consideration, that many aspirants are already working in the banking sector while preparing for the exam, I will provide an overview of the number of hours you can dedicate daily to complete the JAIIB syllabus.
Since Monday is the first day of the week and employees are tasked with huge assignments and planning of work projects for the week ahead, you start with devoting 2-3 hours on this day.
As the week progresses, from Tuesday to Friday you can now attempt to allot at least 3- 4 hours.
Since there is a lot of free time available for working professionals in weekends, on Saturday and Sunday, you can easily devote 8-9 hours for studying.
4. Practicing Mock Tests is a must
Without adequate practice, it is difficult for exam candidates to assess their preparation level. Therefore, after covering each subject, you must follow it up with solving as many practice questions as you can.
Practicing the JAIIB mock tests based on the latest exam pattern, you will be better able to familiarize with the nature of the examination as well as the type of questions asked in the paper.
By creating exam like environment with a timer set for 2 hours, attempting several mock tests would help you efficiently prepare you for the real exam.
5. Ensure thorough Analysis of Your Test Performance
After practicing the mock tests, it is extremely essential for the candidates to analyze your performance. Doing a comprehensive analysis of your test performance would help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
It will provide you an insight into your conceptual understanding of the subjects as well as an assessment of your speed and accuracy. After you gain knowledge about your weak areas, you must work on improving on them accordingly and become mindful of your speed while solving the test papers. Devote at least 1-2 hours on the exam analysis.
This practice will ensure your readiness and boost your confidence while giving the JAIIB exam.
After qualifying the JAIIB examination, candidates will become eligible for many benefits and allowances. To know more on this, you can click on the detailed JAIIB salary and job profile.
6. Do’s and Dont’s
- Have a concise list of study sources: Referring to limited number of sources instead of plethora of study material can help in saving your precious time and ensure multiple revision of the topics.
- Practice as many mock tests as possible: It is always advisable for the candidates to practice as many test questions as they can. The simple reason behind this is to acclimatize yourself with exam structure and effectively understand the difficulty level of the questions asked in the paper and therefore an important part of JAIIB exam strategy.
- Manage your time well: During preparation period, it is extremely crucial for aspirants to learn time management. At the same time do not forget to look after your physical and mental well – being. Therefore, ensure good nutrition, adequate sleep and adapt practices like exercise, meditation or yoga in daily life.
- Limit your time on using social media: For efficient time management, the aspirants can limit the time spent on checking social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and instead utilize the time for covering the syllabus and revise the subjects.
- Avoid checking your phone frequently: Talking about the major distractions in life, using a smartphone tops the list! Hence, the candidates are advised to keep their mobile phones at distance from themselves to ensure productivity while studying for the exam.
Before you proceed, it is important for aspirants to be aware of the latest eligibility requirements for JAIIB exam, if you haven’t gone through yet, then you can click on the linked page.
So, now that we have discussed in detail everything you need to know about JAIIB preparation, it’s time to move on to the next section.
JAIIB Study Plan
A detailed and systematic study plan would prove to be of immense help for the aspirants to clear the examination. A day and subject – wise study plan will be beneficial for you to know how much time you need to dedicate for each subject and to practice the questions. By dedicatedly following a study plan you will be able to cover the syllabus effectively.
Keeping in mind the working aspirants for this exam, I have provided in the table below, a comprehensive day and subject wise JAIIB study plan which you can check as follows:
Days | Paper / Module | Topics | |
Paper I | |||
Day 1st | Module A - Indian Financial System | 1. Indian Economy- An Overview2. Economic Planning in India3. Sectors of the Indian Economy | |
Day 2nd | Module A - Indian Financial System | 1. Role of Priority Sector and MSME in the Indian Economy2. Infrastructure including Social Infrastructure3. Globalisation – Impact on India | |
Day 3rd | Module A - Indian Financial System | 1. Economic Reforms2. Foreign Trade Policy, Foreign Investments and Economic Development3. International Economic Organizations (World Bank, IMF etc.) | |
Day 4th | Module A - Indian Financial System | 1. Climate change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)2. Issues facing Indian Economy | |
Day 5th | Module B - Economic Concepts Related to Banking | 1. Fundamentals of Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Types of Economies2. Supply and Demand3. Money Supply and Inflation4. Theories of Interest5. Business Cycles | |
Day 6th | Module B - Economic Concepts Related to Banking | 1. Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy2. National Income and GDP Concepts3. Union Budget4. Indian Financial System – An Overview5. Indian Banking Structure | |
Day 7th | Module C - Indian Financial Architecture | 1. Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and RBI Act, 19342. Development Financial Institutions | |
Day 8th | Module C - Indian Financial Architecture | 1. Micro Finance Institutions2. Non-Banking Financial Companies3. Insurance Companies | |
Day 9th | Module C - Indian Financial Architecture | 1. Indian Financial System - Regulators & their roles2. Reforms & Developments in the Banking sector | |
Day 10th | Module D - Financial Products and Services | 1. Overview of Financial Markets2. Money Markets and Capital Markets3. Fixed Income Markets - Debt / Bond Markets | |
Day 11th | Module D - Financial Products and Services | 1. Capital Markets and Stock Exchanges2. Forex Markets3. Interconnection of various markets/Market Dynamics | |
Day 12th | Module D - Financial Products and Services | 1. Merchant Banking Services2. Derivatives Market including Credit Default Swaps3. Factoring, forfaiting & Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)4. Venture capital5. Leasing and Hire Purchase | |
Day 13th | Module D - Financial Products and Services | 1. Credit Rating agencies & their functions2. Mutual Funds3. Insurance Products4. Pension Funds (include APY, NPS)5. Guidelines on Para Banking & Financial Services provided by Banks | |
Day 14th | Module D - Financial Products and Services | Real Estate Investment Funds / Infrastructure Investment Fund (concept) | |
Day 15th | Paper 1 | Mock test + Analysis | |
Paper 2 | |||
Day 16th | Module A - General Banking Operations | 1. Banker-Customer Relationship2. AML-KYC Guidelines3. Operational Aspects of KYC | |
Day 17th | Module A - General Banking Operations | 1. Opening Accounts of Various Types of Customers2. Operational Aspects of Deposit Accounts 3. Operational Aspects of Handling Clearing/Collection/Cash | |
Day 18th | Module A - General Banking Operations | 1. Banker’s Special Relationship2. Foreign Exchange Remittance Facilities for Individuals3. Operational Aspects of NRI Business | |
Day 19th | Module A - General Banking Operations | 1. Foreign Currency Accounts for Residents and Other Aspects2. Cash Management Services and Its Importance3. Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments4. Responsibility of Paying Bank5. Responsibility of Collecting Bank | |
Day 20th | Module A - General Banking Operations | 1. Ancillary Services2. Financial Inclusion & Financial Literacy3. Customer Service Guidelines4. Duties & Rights of a Banker and Customer Rights5. Grievance Redressal & RBI Integrated Ombudsman Scheme 2021 | |
Day 21st | Module A - General Banking Operations | 1. The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Preamble, Extent and Definitions2. The Right to Information Act, 2005 | |
Day 22nd | Module B - Functions of Banks | 1. Banker Customer Relationship2. KYC/ AML/ CFT normsBankers’ Special Relationship | |
Day 23rd | Module B - Functions of Banks | 1. Consumer Protection - COPRA, Banking Ombudsman Scheme2. Payment and Collection of Cheques and Other Negotiable Instruments3. Opening accounts of various types of customers | |
Day 24th | Module B - Functions of Banks | 1. Ancillary Services2. Cash Operations3. Principles of Lending, Working Capital Assessment and Credit Monitoring | |
Day 25th | Module B - Functions of Banks | 1. Priority Sector Advances2. Agricultural Finance3. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises | |
Day 26th | Module B - Functions of Banks | 1. Government Sponsored Schemes2. Self Help Groups3. Cards, Home Loans, Personal Loans, Consumer Loans4. Documentation5. Different Modes of Charging Securities | |
Day 27th | Module B - Functions of Banks | 1. Types of collaterals and their characteristics2. Non-Performing Assets3. Financial Literacy | |
Day 28th | Module C - Banking Technology | 1. Essentials of Bank Computerization2. Payment Systems and Electronic Banking | |
Day 29th | Module C - Banking Technology | 1. Data Communication Network and EFT systems2. Role of Technology Upgradation and its impact on Banks3. Security Considerations | |
Day 30th | Module C - Banking Technology | 1. Overview of IT Act2. Preventive Vigilance in Electronic Banking | |
Day 31st | Module D - Ethics in Banks and Financial Institutions | 1. Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective2. Ethics at the Individual Level3. Ethical Dimensions: Employees | |
Day 32nd | Module D - Ethics in Banks and Financial Institutions | 1. Work Ethics and the Workplace2. Banking Ethics: Changing Dynamics | |
Day 33rd | Paper 2 | Mock Test + Analysis | |
Paper 3 | |||
Day 34th | Module A - Business Mathematics and Finance | 1. Definition, Scope and Accounting Standards including Ind AS2. Basic Accountancy Procedures3. Maintenance of Cash/Subsidiary Books and Ledger4. Bank Reconciliation Statement5. Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors and Adjusting & Closing Entries | |
Day 35th | Module A - Business Mathematics and Finance | 1. Depreciation & its Accounting2. Capital and Revenue Expenditure3. Bills of Exchange | |
Day 36th | Module A - Business Mathematics and Finance | 1. Operational Aspects of Accounting Entries2. Back Office Functions/Handling Unreconciled Entries in Banks3. Bank Audit & Inspection | |
Day 37th | Module B - Financial Statement and Core Banking Systems | 1. Balance Sheet Equation2. Preparation of Final Accounts3. Company Accounts – I | |
Day 38th | Module B - Financial Statement and Core Banking Systems | 1. Company Accounts – II2. Cash Flow & Funds Flow3. Final Accounts of Banking Companies4. Core Banking Systems & Accounting in Computerised Environment | |
Day 39th | Module C - Financial Management | 1. An Overview of Financial Management2. Ratio Analysis3. Financial Mathematics - Calculation of Interest & Annuities | |
Day 40th | Module C - Financial Management | 1. Financial Mathematics - Calculation of YTM2. Financial Mathematics – Forex Arithmetic3. Capital Structure and Cost of Capital4. Capital Investment Decisions/Term Loans5. Equipment Leasing/Lease Financing | |
Day 41th | Module C - Financial Management | 1. Working Capital Management2. Derivatives | |
Day 42nd | Module D - Taxation and Fundamental of Costing | 1. Taxation: Income Tax/TDS/Deferred Tax2. Goods & Services Tax | |
Day 43rd | Module D - Taxation and Fundamental of Costing | 1. An Overview of Cost & Management Accounting2. Costing Methods3. Standard Costing | |
Day 44th | Module D - Taxation and Fundamental of Costing | 1. Marginal Costing2. Budgets and Budgetary Control | |
Day 45th | Paper 3 | Mock test + Analysis | |
Paper 4 | |||
Day 46th | Module A - Retail Banking | 1. Retail Banking: Introduction2. Retail Banking: Role within the Bank Operations3. Applicability of Retail Banking Concepts and Distinction betweenRetail and Corporate/Wholesale Banking4. Branch Profitability | |
Day 47th | Module B - Retail Products and Recovery | 1. Customer Requirements2. Product Development Process3. Credit Scoring4. Important Retail Liability Products5. Important Retail Asset Products | |
Day 48th | Module B - Retail Products and Recovery | 1. Credit and Debit Cards2. Remittance Products3. Digitisation of Retail Banking Products 4. Role of AI and Technology in Retail Banking5. Recovery of Retail Loans | |
Day 49th | Module B - Retail Products and Recovery | 1. Management Information Systems2. Securitization | |
50th | Module C - Support Services – Marketing of Banking Services/Products | 1. Marketing – An Introduction2. Delivery Channels in Retail Banking3. Delivery Models | |
Day 51st | Module C - Support Services – Marketing of Banking Services/Products | 1. Customer Relationship Management in Retail Banking2. Service Standards for Retail Banking3. Marketing Information Systems- A Longitudinal Analysis | |
Day 52nd | Module D - Wealth Management | 1. Importance of Wealth Management2. Investment Management3. Tax Planning | |
Day 53rd | Module D - Wealth Management | 1. Other Financial Services Provided by Banks2. Additional Reading Material on Home Loans Lender’s Appraisal Procedure | |
Day 54th | Module D - Wealth Management | 1. Housing Finance and Tax Planning2. Mortgage Advice3. Valuation of Real Property | |
Day 55th | Paper 4 | Mock test + Analysis | |
Day 56th | Rest Day | ||
Day 57th | Paper 2 Revision | ||
Day 58th | Paper 2 Revision | ||
59th | Paper 3 Revision | ||
Day 60th | aper 3 Revision | ||
Day 61st | Mock Test Paper 2 and Paper 3 | ||
Day 62nd | Paper 4 Revision | ||
Day 63rd | Paper 4 Revision | ||
Day 64th | Paper 1 Revision | ||
Day 65th | Paper 1 Revision | ||
Day 66th | Mock Test Paper 4 and Paper 1 |
We have now arrived at the end of the section. Till now, we have discussed in detail everything you need to know about how to prepare for JAIIB which includes JAIIB Preparation strategy, comprehensive study plan
I hope this detailed information will prove helpful in your exam preparation and beneficial in clearing the exam. It’s time for me to now take your leave and wish you all the best for future endeavours.
Keep Learning!!

About Anuj Jindal
Anuj Jindal, the founder, is an ex-manager from SBI, with an M.Com from Delhi School of Economics. He also has a JRF in Commerce & Management and NET in HRM, along with more than 5 years of experience in the field of Education.
FAQ: JAIIB Preparation Strategy & Study Plan
- How can I crack JAIIB in first attempt?
With right approach and dedicated efforts, you can definitely crack the JAIIB exam. For comprehensive study plan you can check the blog above.
- Can I prepare for JAIIB Exam in 1 month?
No, to clear JAIIB exam, you would need to devote at least 2 months for the JAIIB exam preparation, provided you have a detailed strategy and dedicated timetable.
To access a precise strategy, you can check the blog above.
- how many hours do I need per day to prepare for JAIIB exam?
Taking into consideration, that aspirants for the exam are working professionals.
- On Mondays, you start with allocating a minimum 2-3 hours to study
- From Tuesday to Friday, you can increase your study time to 3-4 hours
- On weekend, i.e., Saturday and Sunday, you can afford to dedicate 8-9 hours for study time.
- Can I crack JAIIB Exam by practicing mock test only?
No, while practicing mock tests are essential part of the JAIIB preparation, there are other factors you must keep in mind to clear the exam:
- Be thorough with the syllabus and exam pattern
- Create and follow a dedicated study plan to cover the syllabus
- Ensure multiple revisions of the topics
- Practice Previous year questions and mock tests to assess your preparation.
- Is JAIIB exam difficult to clear?
Yes, considering the competent nature of the exam and the vast syllabus, it is difficult to crack the exam. However, with proper strategy and determination it is possible to ace the exam.
You can check the detailed exam strategy provided in the blog above.
- What is the last 15 days strategy before JAIIB Exam?
For the last 15 days, the candidates must focus on doing multiple revisions of the topics and solving mock tests to ensure their readiness and preparation for the real JAIIB exam.