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NABARD Grade A & Grade B Officer Job Profile, Salary, Perks & Promotions

Topics Covered: NABARD Grade A & B Officer Job Profile, Salary, Perks, Increments & Promotions (Career Growth)

The prospect of working in an institution like NABARD is considered to be prestigious in the country. It is an opportunity very few would ever let go off. 

This is because the NABARD Grade B officers or the ones at the Grade A scale, after getting through the exhaustive selection procedures of NABARD, get to have a life that an average job-seeking youth can only dream of.

The NABARD being the apex cooperative bank of the nation, and also the apex body, assigned with the task of regulating and licensing of all the regional rural banks in the country, demands that its employees be extremely efficient and resourceful in their working.

To ensure such high standards among its employees, the establishment takes care of all their monetary and familial needs down to the last T.

The salary and perks that the company offers its employees are extremely lucrative and are one of the main reasons why so many students appear for the NABARD Grade A & Grade B officers’ recruitments every year.

Now, having read that, I know you might have questions regarding the Job profiles of the Grade A and B officers of NABARD, and the hierarchy in their career pyramid, and I have written about them in detail in the lines below.

Table of Content – NABARD Grade A & Grade B Officer Job Profile, Salary, Perks & Career Growth

NABARD Officers Job Profiles

I have mentioned below the details of the job profiles of NABARD Grade A and Grade B Officers.

That said, you should note that the Grade B post is hierarchically a step superior to the Grade A post, and in normal terms, Grade A officers are usually posted as assistant managers and the Grade B officers as managers.

NABARD Grade A Officer Job Profile

Since the NABARD Grade A 2024 notification is yet to be released, the candidates must be aware about the details regarding the NABARD Grade A job profile after clearing the exam.  

As far as the Grade A officer post is concerned, it is the first managerial post in the line of the NABARD managerial posts, and as I have already mentioned above, is an assistant manager by designation.

The job of a NABARD assistant manager includes many things. Some of the roles and responsibilities of the officer after getting selected are: 

  • The implementation and monitoring of the various Govt. schemes, policies, and programs pertaining to rural and agricultural development 
  • To help organise agrarian communities into forming their own stable cooperatives, and banks, among many other tasks. 
  • They are mandated with the task of financing and developing the agricultural sector of India 
  • Helping the nation’s agrarian communities to organise themselves into stable cooperatives, as well as enhancing their quality of life. 

Once a NABARD Grade A officer starts his tenure, he faces a probation period of 2 years and is liable to be posted anywhere in India, barring his home state. However, the postings are usually in state capitals only. 

To know more about the allowances & perks of NABARD Grade A officer 2024, check the  latest NABARD Grade A recruitment notification 

NABARD Grade B Officer Job Profile

The Grade B officer post is that of a manager and has responsibilities like monitoring accounting procedures, facilitating interdepartmental assignments, maintaining customer relations, ensuring coordination between various departments, and approving loans.

However, keep in mind that becoming a NABARD Grade A or Grade B Officer is no easy feat. You have to clear all the 3 phases of the selection process and each phase brings its own challenges. I would advise you guys to go through the latest exam pattern of Phase 1 & Phase 2  in detail.   

Okay, so that was the NABARD Grade A and B Officers Job profiles, now let’s move on to their salary & perks. Let us start with NABARD assistant manager salary first, shall we?

NABARD Grade A Officer 2024: Revised Salary, Perks & Emoluments

This is perhaps the most awaited section for the candidates and for the right reasons! 

Since NABARD was a part of RBI before 1982, it shares the same work culture as RBI, and the salary structure for every grade of officers was fixed. 

Thus, there is a fixed amount assigned as the NABARD Grade A salary & perks as well, meaning a certain level of perks and allowances are the entitlements of Grade A Officers.

That said since this is one of the highest paying government jobs in the country. I will be writing down every pay scale in a very simple language to help you out understand the pay scale.

Last year in 2022, according to a latest notice by NABARD, there had been a major increase in the salary of a NABARD Grade A officer.

While the complete picture of the salary will be presented later with the attachment of salary slip. Yet, the figure can be assessed by taking into account the various components. And according to them the gross monthly salary of a NABARD Grade A officer will be approximately Rs. 1,00,000/-.

The basic NABARD Grade A Salary is Rs. 44,500/ – p.m. in the starting.

Watch the video and take a hint from the salary about how big a responsibility a NABARD Grade A officer holds.

As you keep on working in the organisation, your basic pay keeps on increasing as well.

Now, that we have gained an idea on NABARD salary, let’s discuss the allowances first and then we’ll talk about all the increments and promotions together.

NABARD Grade A Officer Salary Allowances

NABARD provides a lot of allowances to all the Grade A officers which have been mentioned below.

Another thing to note is that all these allowances and salary statements are given to you at the end of every month in the form of a NABARD Grade A salary slip.

House Rent Allowance (HRA):

I know the pain of going out of your hometown to some other area to work. Going away from your parents is difficult but NABARD tries to help you out by providing you a home.

HRA is given to the officers who couldn’t get accommodation from NABARD because the number of flats is limited.

Conveyance Allowance (CA):

Conveyance Allowance is basically the transportation cost paid to each and every NABARD Grade A officer from your home to the office every single day. It depends upon the declaration by you.

Medical Allowance:

You get a Medical Allowance too in your NABARD Grade A salary slip every month. Is it for real? These allowances are also valid for the dependents of the employees.

Leave Fare Concession Travel (LFC):

You will get the LFC allowance. This can be availed once in two years, by the employee and his dependents to go anywhere in the world.

Bank Loan Facility:

Loans are given at very low rates of interest for Housing, Car, Education of children, Consumer Articles, Personal computers, etc.


Pension is a very common thing that every government employee draws after retirement.

Apart from the given perks, there is an Interest-free festival advance, Newspaper, book grant, Furnishing of Residence Allowance, Life Insurance Coverage, and Educational Leaves, etc. as per eligibility.

I believe that you loved all the allowances. NABARD does care about its employees and knows how to take care of them.

NABARD Grade A Officer Increments

Let’s understand the Grade A Officer Increments in detail through the following breakdown provided by NABARD in basic pay at regular time intervals:

NABARD Grade A Salary ParticularsDetails
Basic PayRs.44,500/- p.m.
Pay-scale44,500-2500 (4) - 54,500-2850 (7) - 74,450-2850 (4) - 85,850-3300 - (1) - 89,150 (17)
Additional Allowances House Rent Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Medical Allowanec, Leave Fare Concession Travel, Bank Loan Facility, Pension
Gross Monthly SalaryRs. 1,00,000

Remember this would be increments in basic pay, which at starting is Rs. 44,500 while your approximate gross pay would be Rs. 1,00,000.

NABARD Grade A Salary Slip 2024

To give you further detail about the salary of a NABARD Grade A officer, I am attaching an image providing information similar to the details mentioned in the salary slip of NABARD Grade A post.

You may ask, what is a salary slip?

A salary slip is a pay slip, which entails all the monetary inclusions that an officer receives.

Basic pay, Allowances, Benefits, Perks, etc., all these attributes are showcased in a salary slip.

While every job has a different salary slip, I will focus on NABARD Grade A Salary Slip.

The NABARD Grade A officer Salary slip 2024 is made up of the following contents:

  • Local Compensatory Allowance
  • House Rent Allowance
  • Dearness Allowance
  • Grade Allowance
  • Family Allowance
  • Dispensary Allowance
  • Furniture Allowance

These are all the premier aspects covered in the NABARD Grade A Pay slip 2024. Alongside these many more are included.

Now, to bring the numbers game again, for your reference I am providing the latest Salary Slip of NABARD Grade A officer.

Go, through the slip and observe how every expense of the Grade A officer is borne by the apex institute.

Guess what. This is without a single promotion. So let’s talk about the promotions now.

NABARD Grade A Officer Promotions

Let us talk about the Promotions, or the NABARD Career growth to get a better idea about the long-term work-life of an officer.

It is a fact that you are going to work hard during your job and get ahead in your NABARD career, in the form of promotions from time to time. Promotions definitely bring in prestige and salary hike.

So why not look into it right now.

You join the organisation as an Assistant Manager after clearing all the NABARD Grade A exams.

To help you in effective preparation for NABARD Grade A exam, you can check the NABARD Grade A exam analysis I have provided.  

You will be getting higher in the NABARD career ladder, only after going through the departmental exams and interviews.

The hierarchy of posts right from the post of Assistant Manager is as follows –

  • Assistant Manager
  • Manager
  • Assistant General Manager
  • Deputy General Manager
  • General Manager
  • Chief General Manager
  • Executive Director
  • Director
Promotions Levels of NABARD Grade A

I would like to pinpoint here that the Assistant General Manager post is a highly prestigious post, though it comes with its own set of challenges.

You can be posted as a District Development Manager (DDM) in a rural district that works from a residence cum office.

NABARD Grade B Officer 2024: Revised Salary, Perks, and Emoluments

Talking about the salary of a NABARD Grade B officer, it is pretty handsome as well.

Now, like the NABARD Grade A, Grade B also has a fixed salary, apart from the perks and allowances that the officers are entitled to enjoy.

Talking about the Gross monthly salary that you’ll receive after you become a NABARD Grade B officer, it is Rs. 78,000 /-, but remember this is not the in-hand salary.

So the basic NABARD Grade B Salary is Rs. 35,150/ – p.m. in the starting.

Also, similar to what I had written for the Grade A, here too, your basic pay will keep on increasing as you work in the organisation.

Talking about the Grade B allowances and perks, they are similar to what a Grade A officer receives. Therefore if you want to know about the same for the post of NABARD Grade B, I’d advise you to go through the section of “NABARD Grade A Officer Salary Allowances” written above, one more time.

Now let’s glance through the topic of the Grade B Increments.

Promotions Levels of NABARD Grade B

NABARD Grade B Officer Increments

Let’s talk about the increments given by NABARD over the years. I have mentioned the Basic Pay of NABARD Grade B with the increments in regular time intervals, below:

  • Initial Basic Pay is Rs. 35150 as mentioned above with a yearly increment of  Rs. 1750 for 9 years
  • After 9 years, Rs. 50900 is your basic pay and yearly increment of Rs. 1750 for the next 2 years.
  • Then your basic pay is Rs. 54400, with a yearly increment of  Rs. 2000 for 4 years
  • After that, you end up with basic pay of Rs. 62400/- pm, but again, this is without a single promotion.

Thus, the NABARD Grade B Officer Basic Salary after around 16 years of service is Rs. 62400/- and this is when you don’t take any promotions.

To get an idea about the Promotions you can refer to the section of “NABARD Grade A increments”, seeing that the Grade B post is basically the manager post.


We have finally come to the end of the section. I have discussed in detail about NABARD Grade A officer salary structure which consists of basic pay, allowances, perks and salary increments.

Along with this, I have also talked about NABARD Grade A job profile which includes roles and responsibilities of an officer after selection.

I am confident that this information will help you know better about an officer’s duties and salary.   

Stay motivated and Keep learning!!  

CEO of Anujjindal.in

About Anuj Jindal


Anuj Jindal, the founder, is an ex-manager from SBI, with an M.Com from Delhi School of Economics. He also has a JRF in Commerce & Management and NET in HRM, along with more than 5 years of experience in the field of Education.

FAQs: NABARD Grade A & Grade B Officer Job Profile, Salary, Perks & Career Growth

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Is NABARD job (Grade A or Grade B Officer) good/desirable? 

    Working at NABARD is a dream harbored in the hearts of many, being an officer has a range of benefits, some of which are a great salary, job security, perks, and hefty allowances. Rest assured, if you are able to clear the Grade A or Grade B exams, you will be set for life. If you want to know about the NABARD Grade A and Grade B salary, perks, and allowances in detail, click here

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    What is the difference between Grade A and Grade B officer? 

    The main difference is that the Grade A post is that of a NABARD Assistant Manager, while the Grade B post is that of a NABARD Manager. 

    Also, salary and perks wise, the salary of the Grade B officer is more than that of the Grade A officer. Furthermore, there are separate recruitments that are held for each of them every year. Check the detailed salary structure here

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    What is the in-hand salary of a NABARD Grade B Officer (Manager)? 

    The in-hand salary of a NABARD Grade B officer, Manager by designation, is 35,150/- in the beginning.  

    Pay Scale: Rs.35150 – 1750 (9) – 50900 – EB – 1750(2) – 54400 – 2000 (4) – 62400 (16 years).  

    To explain the pay scale – As more and more time passes the NABARD Grade B officer’s in-hand salary increases as follows:  

    • It increases to 50,900/- after 9 years 
    • After 2 years, the amount goes up to 54,400/-.  
    • Then after 4 more years, the in-hand salary becomes 62,400/- and stops at that.  

    The gross salary of the NABARD Grade B officer is Rs. 78,000 per month. 

    However, all of this is the in-hand salary of the NABARD Grade B officer without any promotions.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    What are the advantages of working in NABARD? 

    There are a great many advantages to working at NABARD: 

    • High salary and perks, and great allowances 
    • Chance to make a difference in the lives of rural and poverty-stricken Indian citizens 
    • Great work-life balance 
    • Enormous opportunities to learn newer and more varied things like forming SHGs, microfinance, etc. 

    To know more about the Job profile of Grade A & Grade B officers of NABARD, you can read the blog above. 

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Are NABARD Officers Posted in Rural Areas? 

    No, the NABARD officers do not get posted to rural areas. In fact, they get posted at the district headquarters, where they get their own office cum residences and not in the villages.  

    Also, since the headquarter of NABARD is at Mumbai, and NABARD has its state headquarters in all of the state capitals. Being a NABARD officer, you’ll most likely be posted in one of these.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    How is working at NABARD different from working at RBI? 

    One of the major differences between working in NABARD and serving in the RBI is that while the RBI officers mainly work in the aspects of banking such as forex, govt. banks etc., but at NABARD, you’ll be solely working for the upliftment of the economic condition of the rural areas, through setting up microfinance units, cooperative banks, and setting regulations for the RRBs.

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    What is the career progression (promotion-cycle) of a NABARD Grade A Officer (Assistant Manager)? 

    Talking about the prospects of growth of an Assistant Manager at NABARD, the promotion pattern goes as follows: 

    • It basically goes from Grade A to Grade B (Manager), then to Grade C (Assistant General Manager), and so on.  
    • The promotions are usually awarded based on internal examinations conducted by NABARD itself, as there is no set norm to them, the promotion pattern may also vary.   
    • Furthermore, the higher-level promotions like Grade E (General Manager) – Grade F (Chief General Manager) are either time-based or are based on internal examinations, and sometimes based on both.   

    To learn more about career growth in NABARD, you can check all the NABARD promotion levels 

  • image/svg+xml image/svg+xml
    Are there any perks and allowances with NABARD Grade A Salary?
    Yes, the selected candidates are eligible for perks and allowances that come along with the NABARD Grade A salary. Some of the benefits and allowances are as follows: 

    • Local Compensatory Allowance 
    • House Rent Allowance 
    • Dearness Allowance 
    • Grade Allowance 
    • Family Allowance 
    • Dispensary Allowance 
    • Furniture Allowance 

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